
Blake Thomas "Bitter Pill"

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Blake Thomas, deed name "Bitter Pill", is an Adren Homid Ahroun of the Shadow Lords.  Until September 2014, he resided at the Sept of River's Might.


     See also: Members of the Sept of River's Might


Basic Details

Blake Thomas bears the distinctive looks of good Russian heritage (Pure Breed x2) though his accent gives away his American upbringing. As homid, he stands at an average height and sports dark brown hair and blue eyes. In his more canine forms, his build is stocky and his fur is black with a rich sheen. Blake is sometimes well-groomed, wearing his beard short and thin, but occasionally lets it grow out. His clothes tend to be more tight-fitting and in the jeans or polo/button-down shirt category. He carries himself with noticeable confidence though this doesn't stop him from skulking around. Since joining the pack Cry Havoc, Blake has expanded his attire to include a green military coat, dog tags, and a necklace of Renown markers with a key hanging from it.


Since his arrival, Blake has earned a few scars. A large silver scar on his displaced jaw, on its right, is evidence of the Rite of Wounding, and his throat sports more malformed tissue. A shallow scar also crosses his left eye from top to bottom, but there is no word of this scar from Garou stories.


He is the owner of the popular BDSM store "Cummings and Goings", local to Minnesota.



Basic Details



Stories & Renown


Glory: Veteran
  Honor: Mediator
Wisdom: Disciple



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