
Amunet-Maat Steals from the Shadows

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Name and Deed Name: Amunet-Maat Steals from the Shadows 

Member of the Sept of River's Might

Breed: Homid     Auspice: Ragabash     Tribe: Silent Strider     Rank: Adren


Title: N/A


Physical Description:  Steals is a small girl roughly only 5'4" and 120 pounds. She has red hair, green eyes, and fair skin. She does not wear anything in particular, clinging to her homid ways of wearing a new change of clothes everyday. She has a few scars from bullet wounds, claw marks, and a recent burn from a silver dagger, but they are usually hidden by clothes. Around the sept an AK-47 is strapped to her back and is the weapon of choice during a fight in homid form. There is nothing too striking about her in homid from the point of view of non-garou. 


Relevant Merits/Flaws/Pure Breed: No merits or flaws or purebreed, however her fianna appearance never left after becoming a strider.


Character Information

Born: Ivy Lila Kearney

Mother: Brona Anne Kearney (Deceased)

Father: Lights the Night, Elder, Silent Strider (NPC)

Siblings: None, possibly some half siblings, but if they exist they are unknown.

Age: 23

DOB: March 24th

Height: 5'4”

Weight: 145


Ivy was born to a single mother named Brona. The name meant sadness, and in the end it was fitting. Ivy grew up with very few friends or family around. Kids could just sense that there was something different about her. They weren't wrong, though it took a big event for the difference to manifest. Other than being the kid with the kick me signed taped to her back, things were pretty decent as a child. Her mom seemed to get nervous for the puberty years, but at the time it seemed like the average fears of a single parent with a teenager. In retrospect, it was the knowledge that puberty is around when the change usually occurs. The whole werewolf thing was explained constantly throughout her youth, and she knew that there was always a chance she'd turn.


By the time she graduated, she was pretty certain that she wouldn't change and felt safe going to school away from home. While on a camping trip with friends she got the worst phone call she'd ever received. Her mom had died, a drunk driver hit her car and she was DOA by the time they reached the hospital. When she was unsure about the call, she left the small cabin and wandered into the dark woods. When she heard the news, her grief and rage triggered the change. She was lucky enough to be far away from her friends. She destroyed a bunch of trees, but no one saw. When she recovered from the shift and the frenzy, she returned to the cabin. Her walk of shame was weird, considering she was naked. But she got dressed silently, left a note about her mom to her friends so they wouldn't worry, and drove away in the night with her bags.


After the funeral a family friend, whom she had only met once or twice, brought her to the Sept of River's Might where she was taught by Po Reduced to Ashes. Over time he became the closest thing to a father figure she had, even after meeting her biological father. She was not able to stay long, she was given permission to leave the sept to finish her schooling. She took as many classes online as possible, but had a few methods to hide her rage for the few classes she had to take in person. Ivy spent more time as a cub than most, but that was mostly due to being constantly away. Before she passed her rite of passage there were two new den parents, but unlike Po, she did not really bond with either in that role.


After her rite of passage she was chosen by owl and given the deed name Steals from the Shadows. A fellow Strider explained to her the rite of renaming, though she did not quite get it. She chose a name, that never really ended up feeling like her. She eventually brought it up as a grievance at a Strider moot, and it was removed from her at the cracking of the bone. A new rite was performed, and a fellow strider told a tale and asked if she would honor that particular person by taking that name. She is now known as Amunet-Ma'at.


Not long after, during a trip with some Black Furies to give chiminage to Twister, she had to let Twister destroy something. Though he took her guns, he needed more. Ivy was still her homid name, her human name. She gave up that last piece of her mom to Twister. It was no longer who she was, and Twister appreciated the gravity of that decision and accepted it. She will only use Ivy as a cover if she needs to pretend to be an average human, which does not happen often.


As a member of the Sept of River's Might, now Hero's Rest, she has been a part of three packs. One fell apart after the deaths of a few members, the second dissolved and most of the members formed a new pack under a different totem spirit with a different pack purpose. Starlight's Path, her first pack, was a follower of Northstar. The three girls were very close. However the pack purpose and the simple fact of being a Silent Strider, caused her to wander a lot. Mistriders, her mentor and the closest thing to family that she had, was the pack alpha and when steals was away the pack grew. Mistriders died in uncertain circumstances while Steals was away, a fact she hasn't yet forgiven herself for. Eyota, the pack beta under Mistriders became alpha upon her death. Mistriders was grieved over, but the pack carried on. Eyota died not much later on a mission. In the end the mission was a success, but Eyota was unable to be saved. Shortly thereafter the pack simply dissolved, its members scattered to the wind.


Wrath of Vigilance was her next pack. Smoke on the Water was alpha for a time, as was Lex Talionis. Beavis Ampbreaker was the only member to die while in the pack. They were dedicated to Wyvern, and though they still hold the values of Wyvern to heart, there purpose was too difficult to do without a theurge. They decided after being without members and struggling to figure out the clues that Wyvern sometimes sent them, that it was time they re-purposed themselves. Most of them joined in as a pack to Granite. Smoke on the Water was not asked to join due to some conflict from the last pack, and Fine Point was not around enough to really contribute, many members had never even met her outside of pack link. The pack alpha changed several times, but under the alphaship of Zephyr the members of Riddled Path joined their strength to that of Granite. The pack was not refromed, but due to the strengths of the new members the purpose was changed as was the pack name. This all change happened shortly after Steals returned from an extended period in Morocco and Egypt. 


Currently: Back home, in the twin cities.






Path to Reckoning , a pack to Granite


Old Pack(s):


Starlight's Path, a pack to North Star

Wrath of Vigilance, a pack to Wyvern

Overwhelming Force, a pack to Granite



Personal Totem:





  • Rite of Passage
  • Fighting Makajiri 
  • Battle Scar 
  • Fighting BSDs 
  • Courage in battle 
  • Helping defeat a group of dangerous foes
  • Following a Totem of War in a pack for over a year. 
  • Helping defeatba group of truly deadly foes 


  • Rite of Passage
  • Healing non-pack member 
  • Upholding Tribe Positions 
  • Played the Fool in the Strider Moot Rite 
  • Helped rescue prisoners of war 


  • Rite of Passage
  • Learning Rites 
  • Followed Totem of Respect for a year (North Star) 
  • Scouting a foe (Jack Pumpkinhead) 
  • Teaching chess to a lupus
  • Helping retrieve a lost gift 
  • Visiting a mysterious Umbral Realm (the atrocity) 
  • Solving the puzzles to defeat the witch


Battle Scars

  • Bullet wounds- on chest, superficial. Had rite of wounding performed on them. Received during rite of passage.
  • Claw marks- on left side of the chest, superficial. Received while trying to save Eyota Ruffled Feathers while on a mission.
  • Necrosis burn- on the right shoulder, superficial. Received while fighting two members of the inquisition single-handed. 
  • Poisoned claw marks- on the right side of the chest, major. Received while protecting the caern during a hive dive. A BSD with poisoned claws ripped at her chest and now she is intolerant to poisons. 




Was given her deed name  because she stole an AK-47 from a man while still in blur and that was how she became visible. Suddenly his gun was pulled away and a rather meek looking girl had it pointed at him.


Went with her pack on the large hunt the sept had in the summer of 2011. Searched Fox news and fought the tentacled creature that was there.


Fought Makajiri while defending the caern during the cracked ice hive dive.


Challenged for Fostern.


Successfully completed Fostern challenge


Formed  new pack under Wyvern.


Went with Pristi and his pack to take on a fallen Strider who also happened to be Pristi's father.


Went to the Grand Moot


Was sent back in time and fought some Black Spiral Dancers


Became Messenger for house wyrmfoe


Helped recover a lost gift


Challenged for Adren


Fought a Furby and some toy Army men in Toyland.


Fought two members of the inquisition single-handed on a mission to destroy one of the freak fetishes. The other garou on the mission were unable to cross from the umbra to assist.


Fought with many members of the sept when 16 Black Spiral Dancers came out of a wyrmhole on the bridge.


Succeeded Adren challenge on February 8, 2014.


Helped defeat the Willworker in the Cathedral.


Helped protect the caern during the hive dive on April 5, 2014.


Helped rescue kidnapped packmates.


Rejected her rememberance name at the 2014 silent strider moot during the cracking of the bone.


Gave up her first name, the one her mother gave her, as a chiminage to Twister. A part of herself that twister could destroy as twister does.


Was given a new rememberance name, Amunet-Maat.


Went to Pangea with Elliott Cutting Edge, Kiya Twisted Suspician, Zephyr Talons of the Harpy, Matilda Beauty from Pain, Medea Hedones Caress, and Lily McCoy Innovating Justice.


Reformed pack, new pack Overwhelming Force is to Granite.


Added new members to pack, adjusted the purpose and pack name accordingly. Pack is still to mighty Granite.




More to be added later.

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