
Spurs the Spirits

Page history last edited by Lost 12 years, 8 months ago


Niklos Athenaios  "Spurs the Spirits" 

Member of the Sept of River's Might

Breed: Homid     Auspice: Theurge     Tribe: Silver Fangs House Wiseheart     Rank: Cliath




Physical Description: In Homid form, Spurs clearly showed his Greek heritage, looking much like a younger Adonis grievously lacking in fashion sense.  He dressed in gaudy black and silver, most notably a pair of cowboy boots with actual spurs on them, and a heavy, noisy length of chain for a belt.  When he wasn't seething in anger, he was brash and cocky beyond any justification.


Relevant Merits/Flaws/Pure Breed: Pure Breed 5, Notable Heritage, 10 Appearance traits


Character Information

Niklos was born to a Black Fury mother, his father (it turns out; he never knew the man) a House Wiseheart kinfolk of immaculate breeding whose Garou defenders had been separated from the caern by the Shadow Curtain.  Growing up the only brother in a family with strong Bacchantes traditions, he was deeply resentful of women on the whole and his family in particular.  This was compounded by the fact that he was never permitted to learn of the existence of the Garou until his First Change; his mother was even more disappointed now that he wasn't even useful as breeding stock.  He was carted off to a Child of Gaia sept in the vain hopes of civilizing him; when he was chosen by Falcon on his Rite of Passage, having browbeaten and bullied the local spirits into aiding him, even the CoGs wanted to wash their hands of him.  So his grandmother, Isthmene's Kiss, banished him from Greece entirely, sending him to River's Might where his estranged cousin Anchorhead could be tasked with keeping him from embarrassing the family further.


At River's Might, Spurs was held in low regard; he was hotheaded, arrogant, and took delight in needling anyone he could.  As a member of the Shadow Walkers, he soon became entangled in the war against the rogue Kinfolk known as the Bastard Sons.  When his packmate Smooth Talker was kidnapped by them, and his alpha Saul seriously injured, he made the last and most unwise spirit deal of his life, bargaining with the great spirit of Eagle for a talen to let him face the skindancers of the Bastard Sons on equal footing.  The chiminage he offered was the head of a skindancer, taken by him in single combat; his attempt to collect this price led to his doom, as the enemy proved stronger than he.



Spurs was recruited by Saul Guided-by-Truth's-Echoes when the Shadow Walkers, under Uktena, were formed.  He was given the rank of beta, more as a sop to his towering ego than due to his ability; after Anchorhead joined the pack, she successfully challenged him for the position.


Personal Totem:

Spurs never achieved sufficient rank; he hoped to earn Eagle's approval, but this cost him his life.










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Comments (3)

paganzack said

at 3:14 pm on Jun 28, 2012

I disagree with that assessment of why Saul added him to the pack. Saul actually saw something in Spurs that he was trying to mold in the younger garou.

Lost said

at 5:03 pm on Jun 28, 2012

You have to remember that all the information on the character pages, living or dead, is filtered through the experiences of the person writing that information (very hopefully the player of that PC, excepting in cases of rumors). Truth is relevant- and for this PC, that reasoning was apparently what they saw as truth ICly.

Joe JD said

at 7:13 pm on Jun 28, 2012

It's not what Spurs thought, but it's what Spurs and I both thought the majority of the sept thought.

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