One of the Honored Dead
Breed: Homid Auspice: Galliard Tribe: Child of Gaia Rank: Athro
Title: Pack Alpha, Den Parent, Eldest Galliard, Alpha Child of Gaia
Physical Description: A friendly looking homid, Jack was always quick to smile, trying to keep everyone around him at ease. His arms were laced with tattoos. In his lupus form, Jack had Earthy colored fur with a long white tuft along his throat. There was a large burn scar on his chest, the result of his defending the Caern.
Relevant Merits/Flaws/Pure Breed: Pure Breed 4 (Children of Gaia), Enchanting Voice.
Character Information
Dreamwalker was often mistaken for a Theurge, and not just because he always carried a staff. He was also a collector of Rites, due to a miscommunication from his den parent Talking Crazy who told Jack that rites were basically "The stories we tell the spirits." Being a Galliard, Dreamwalker wanted to know all the stories. So he learned over seventy rites, including one tribal rite that most Children of Gaia aren't even aware exists.
Also, Dreamwalker followed the ban of every totem he ever packed under, even very briefly: For Monkey King, he kept a small monkey on his bag, with a crown, never left anyone behind, often insisting that "No Garou die on my watch," and never bound a Gaian spirit against its will. For Raven, Dreamwalker carried no wealth, taking the ban as literally as possible and refusing anything that humans would consider 'wealth,' including paychecks when working. For Bear, Dreamwalker never judged anyone for the totems they followed, and encouraged those who chose to see Bear's wisdom. For Mouse, he did his best to keep to the high ban, not shifting on Gaia's back unless he was certain no humans would see him. For Unicorn, he tried to help the helpless, and never gave in to his urge to harm other Garou. He several times risked his own life to protect the lives of others, regardless of his opinions of them as people (Raven, Bobby Mercer, Hardest Lessons, and Balanced Moon to name a few).
Dreamwalker dipped his toes into all of the auspices, but dove deeply into Galliard. He was a prolific teller of tales, but also a bit of a trickster, largely due to the idolized relationship he had with his den father, Talking Crazy. He tried to mediate disputes, more in his role as a Child of Gaia than as a Philodox. And he was a fighter.
A better fighter than most people realized. Though his public reputation was a peaceful one, Dreamwalker did hold 10 tales of glory. He was a master of Iskakku, and, in those rare times when others saw, he was a terror in the challenge circle. His skill with a staff was all but unmatched, and he was a better fighter with his fangs than most people were with their weapons. He did not fight often, and almost never against Gaian Garou, but when he did fight, there was a brutality that sometimes had Unicorn worried about him.
But all this prowess did not save him. Unable to conceive of the idea that Gaian Garou would want him dead, Jack barely fought back at all, allowing his attackers to take out their aggression on him, knowing they were hurt and trying to help them. He made certain he couldn't frenzy, and made no attempts to fight back. It wasn't until they actually killed him that he realized that was their intention all along. He died surprised, and disappointed, but living the ideal he had always strove to live, following the law that was the core of his being: thou shalt not kill Gaian Garou.
As Den Parent
Jack had many, many cubs that he played at least a significant part in their teaching, even if he was not the one to directly put them through their rite of passage. Those that went on to complete their rite of passage include:
Strength of Character (Bone Gnawer Ragabash)
Riddles through Death (Bone Gnawer Ragabash)
Skeinbreaker (Child of Gaia Ragabash)
Saves the Children (Child of Gaia Theurge)
Unicorn's Shadow (Child of Gaia Theurge)
Steals the Show (Child of Gaia Galliard)
Lifts the Spirits (Fianna Galliard)
Threads the Needle (Get of Fenris Theurge)
Scarsinger (Get of Fenris Galliard)
Let's Do This! (Get of Fenris Ahroun)
Questions Authority (Glass Walker Ragabash)
Nine-Tenths of the Law (Glass Walker Philodox)
Keeps the Faith (Glass Walker Philodox)
Sandman (Glass Walker Ahroun)
Knows no Fear (Shadow Lord Theurge)
Cautious Strength (Shadow Lord Ahroun)
Keeps the Faith (Silver Fang Theurge)
Hero's Creed (Silver Fang Galliard)
Servant of Phoebe (Stargazer Theurge)
Failures as Den Parent: Some of the cubs under Dreamwalker's Tutelage went on to do horrible things, falling to the wyrm and becoming enemies of the nation. Dreamwalker saw it as his sad duty to kill these former cubs, which he did, considering them, and himself, a failure:
Moment of Truth (Child of Gaia Philodox)
Sa Anubis (Silent Strider Ahroun)
Shrouded Insight
Personal Totem:
Unicorn. Jack's relationship with Unicorn began even a cub, and deepened over the years. More than just following a ban, Jack modeled his life after the spirit of his tribe. He fought to protect the innocent, and stood against any who tried to kill other Gaian Garou.
Mouse: Though he never gained anything from the relationship other than companionship, Jack spent much of his Garou life as a "Friend of Mouse," keeping the small spirit happy and trying to uphold its ban.
- Aiding in Rank Challenges
Battle Scar
Caern Building (River's Might)
Fighting Kirijama Pack
Hive Dive
Killing Banes
Killing Chaos Monitors
Killing Vampires
Rite of Passage x2
- Answering Call for Aid
Caern Building (River's Might)
Defending the Caern
Diligent Tale-Telling
Giving Talens for the Greater Good
Hive Dive
Saving Garou Lives
- Dealing Successfully with Luna
Giving Good Advice
Healing non-Pack
Learning Rare Tribal Rites
Learning Rites x0
Making a Fetish
One Year Following a Totem of Wisdom (Chameleon)
One Year Personally Following a Totem (Unicorn)
Rite of Passage
Saving his Pack from the Scar
Comments (3)
Joe said
at 10:48 am on Jun 16, 2012
I know there are more former cubs... but I can't remember other names.
Kr1mz0n said
at 2:57 pm on Jun 22, 2012
and most of them should be linked to the page of the dead.
darksidemaster7@... said
at 2:51 pm on Jun 28, 2012
This is really awesome-Patty
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