

Page history last edited by paganzack 6 years, 11 months ago



To hunt in the Umbra on the silent wings of Owl and bring down that which corrupts Gaia.


Like a phantom in the forest, Owl brings death on wings of silence. 




Jacob 'Pristi' Corryn, "Charon's Burden". Adren, Metis, Galliard of the Silent Striders

"Hunts With Kin". Adren, Lupus, Theurge of the Uktena 


"Rain's Indifference". Fostern, Lupus Philodox of the Silverfangs



Other Members

Michael "Trial By Fire". Fostern, Homid, Theurge of the Children of Gaia 
Veruska "To The Grave" Stradลกilo. Cliath, Homid, Theurge of the Shadowlords 
"Falcon's Rebuke". Cliath, Lupus, Galliard of the Silver Fangs 

Tryphon "Bended Knee" McCoy. Cliath?, Metis, Ahroun of the Black Furies


Deceased Members

None at this time



Pack Territory

Located 13 miles north of the Sept of Heroes Rebirth, on the Wisconsin side of the Saint Croix River. The pack's territory can be accessed via a dirt road at the side of Wolf Creek Bar. A mile along the road, the path is barred by a sturdy metal gate that is locked at all times. A further half a mile into the heavily wooded area, a clearing opens out in the trees. The area is vaguely circular in shape and is dominated in its center by a large fire pit with hand carved benches in a circle around it. There is a strong sense of Wyld energy in this area, more so than is natural, but not enough to cause taint.



The space is large enough to easily accommodate 8 medium sized Recreational Vehicles parked around its edge against the treeline. Access to the open space comes from the south quarter. There is a small stone well in the west quarter, and a latrine set in the south, just outside the open area. Two small structures can be found to the north. One is a tool shed which houses gardening utensils, supplies, and a number of small gas powered generators. The second is a wood-shop, and it is kept locked.   


In the eastern quarter, just inside the tree line, is a stone altar. It holds upon it a beautifully carved Screech Owl statue, and an equally beautiful wooden bowl. The bowl contains fresh water that is replenished daily. Other offerings such as small rodent carcasses are frequently placed around the altar for the local owls to find. There are also a number of owl boxes in the trees around the alter. 



Notable Accomplishments

02/03/2018 - Under the orders of Coordinated Strike, seven Garou came together, mostly unknown to each other and formed a temporary pack under Owls watchful gaze. Finding that their talents aligned well during a mission to investigate issues in the Children of Gaia homelands, Jacob Corryn suggested that they formalize the arrangement. He had been in a rapidly thrown together pack once before in his youth, and knew the greatness that could come from seemingly chaotic happenstance. Jacob and his  soon to be Beta, Hunts With Kin brought the pack together to dedicate themselves to the totem the Silent Strider Metis knew so well, and so the pack 'Silence' was formed.


02/17/2018 - Seeking to aid the Sept, and to gain more experience hunting together as a pack, Jacob approached Last Shadow Seen for an Umbral mission they could do for him. He sent them to the city to discover how fortified the city defenses were. Arriving at the city, they were stopped at the edge of City Mothers domain and refused entry. Knowing the weavers love of Bureaucracy, they followed the great spirits protocol and made overtures of reconciliation to her. 

Leaving the city, the pack flew north in the Umbra where they encountered minions of the weaver draining the spiritual essence from a lake. Angry at this affront to Gaia's natural order, the pack acted swiftly and put an end to both the draining of the lake, and the weaver forces that committed such a sin. Finally, they restored the lake to its former umbral glory, and cleansed the area of taint.  





Tales of the Pack

Silencing the Weaver - Sung by Jacob Corryn (02-20-2018)



Pack Renown


Name and Titles


Action Taken

Jacob 'Pristi' Corryn

"Charon's Burden"

Proud son of the Rroma




Silent Strider


Alpha of Silence
Under Owls Watchful Gaze

Glory x 11
  •    Rite of passage x2
  •    Defending the Sept of Geysers Clearing
  •    Fighting Corrupted Water Elementals
  •    Battle of Uptown Blight
  •    Visiting Dangerous Umbral Realm (Scar) 
  •    Destroying Banes 
  •    Battle Scar
  •    Hive Dive
  •    Slaying From the Heart
  •    Helping to defeat Several Truly Deadly Foes 


Honor x 3
  •    Offering trophies of war to Wordze
  •    Slaying From the Heart
  •    Following difficult orders of the Alpha of the Sept 


Wisdom x 7
  •    Rite of Passage
  •    Learning Rites 
  •    Visiting Mysterious Umbral Realm (Aetherial)
  •    Actions During Time-Travelling Adventures
  •    Destroying Wyrm Fetishes
  •    Following Winter Wolf for one year (Pack)
  •    Following Owl for one year (Personal)


Hunts With Kin


Beta of Silence
Under Owls Watchful Gaze

Glory x  
Honor x  
Wisdom x  

Rain's Indifference


Gamma of Silence
Under Owls Watchful Gaze

Glory x  
Honor x  
Wisdom x  



Member of Silence
Under Owls Watchful Gaze

Glory x 2
  •    Defeating a Vampire Nest
  •    Rite of Wounding


Honor x 1
  •    Staying Back to Protect the Caern


Wisdom x 5
  •    Rite of Passage x3
  •    Creating Talens for the Good of the Sept
  •    Teaching Rites




Member of Silence
Under Owls Watchful Gaze

Glory x  
Honor x  
Wisdom x  

Falcon's Rebuke


Member of Silence
Under Owls Watchful Gaze

Glory x  
Honor x  
Wisdom x  



Member of Silence
Under Owls Watchful Gaze

Glory x  
Honor x  
Wisdom x  








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