T itle: None
Physical Description
Lupus form
A male Gray Wolf with mottled gray, beige, and brown fur. He had dirty yellow eyes.
Animal Ken: Appeared to be around 2 years old, give or take some months (as of September 2016). Looked like he could be from northern central U.S., or central Canada breeding stock.
Homid form
A male teenager, though hairier and more feral than typical teenage boys, enough to have a short -- but shaggy -- beard. His other features were indicative of First Nation/America northern native peoples, such as brown eyes and black hair. He wore a deer skin on his shoulders as a chest piece, and a loincloth underneath.
Character Information
Devouring Ash was a Lupus Wendigo Garou who hailed from Purelander Septs in the north, in Canadian territories.
He came to the Sept in July of 2016, exhausted and hungry. He claimed he was looking for his brother, and that something bad had happened. Although he didn't find this individual, he stuck around when he saw some of the Wendigo already at the Sept -- particularly when another Lupus Wendigo, Watcher, arrived. Watcher and Devouring Ash packed together with a few other Garou under the Sept's totem spirit of the time, Rattlesnake. Devouring Ash was often confused at some homid speech; he demonstrated limited ability to understand English, and didn't care enough to try understanding complicated words. He also enjoyed playing with some cubs, tribe-mates, or other people who fit in a weird category of acceptable.
At first, Devouring Ash spent a lot of time with his tribesmate, in a family-like bond. This changed with the death of an Elder Lupus Garou, Guides-the-Cycle. Worried that some of the stories would be lost, Devouring Ash made a bark scroll that chronicled some of Guides-the-Cycle's accomplishments. The scroll was handed over to the Gathering for the Departed. Since that time, Devouring Ash spent more time telling stories for other Garou, and chronicled some of them on natural paper he learned to make himself. His best work is a scroll summaring the Sept Alpha's, Winter's Eve's, renown.
In March 2017, The Sentinels disbanded, and Devouring Ash joined the pack named The Flock, where he learned to deal with spiritual and umbral matters more. This lasted until June 2017, by which point fewer members of The Flock were making time for the pack.
Friction with Sept Members
There was occasional friction between Devouring Ash and other members of the Sept, going beyond language confusions. He was head-strong and wolf enough that some things, like ignoring traditions he considers important, or overly-human behaviors, set him off. This sparked confrontations such as with the Garou Guzzoline, where Devouring Ash nearly frenzied due to the former's attitude and words (but was stopped by his pack Alpha, Watcher). At other times, Devouring Ash was so confused by things like moral gray areas, or weird homid concepts, that he left conversations when he had too much.
Formerly part of The Sentinels, a pack following the revived Wyld West totem, Rattlesnake.
Formerly part of The Flock, a pack following Merlin.
Departure and Death
In June 2017, Devouring Ash left the Sept permanently, telling only the Sept Alpha of the time (Last Shadow Seen) his true reason why. A few weeks later, some Sept Members found hints at his being captured by Matthew Blake, one of the bigger threats to the Sept at the time.
On July 29 2017, Devouring Ash was found in a prison of the Scar umbral realm, having seemingly chewed and disemboweled himself to death.
Known Renown
Glory (4)
Honor (2)
Wisdom (2)
Rite of Passage (x2)
Regular patroling of the Sept
Rite of Passage |
Helping defend a new cub, and the veil, from armed & hostile humans |
Diligently performing the duties of a Galliard
Learned Garou Rites |
Defending a Caern from Black Spiral Dancer forces |
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